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PTRC Sponsors September 23rd Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) Workshop on Applying for SDTC Funding

The PTRC is pleased to be a sponsor for the upcoming September 23rd SDTC workshop on building a winning funding application.  If you are a clean technology development company, an entrepreneur with a field-ready technology, a technology transfer organization or a new technology start up company - and you need funding to get your technology to market - attending this workshop may be exactly…

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PTRC Hires New Senior Project Manager and Junior Engineer

The PTRC is pleased to announce the recent addition of two new staff members; Erik Nickel as a Senior Project Manager and Afton Leniuk as Junior Project Engineer. Erik joins the PTRC from the Saskatchewan Geological Survey and will head up the PTRC’s enhanced oil recovery research projects under the new Heavy Oil Research Network (HORNET). Afton Leniuk is a recent graduate of the…

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New Publication! What Happens When CO<sub>2</sub> Is Stored Underground: Q&A from the IEAGHG Weyburn-Midale CO<sub>2</sub> Monitoring and Storage Project

The PTRC is very pleased to annonce the publication of a new booklet, commissioned by the Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute in Australia, which addresses many of the key questions members of the general public have about CO2 storage.  The publication was launched April 29th at the Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and simultaneously…

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Government of Saskatchewan Funds PTRC's Saskatchewan CO2 Oilfield Use for Storage and EOR Research Project

The Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy today announced $400,000 in funding to the PTRC to build on 12 years of research into CO2 geolgocial storage.   Saskatchewan CO2 Oilfield Use for Storage and EOR Research (SaskCO2USER) builds on the 12 years of research conducted in the IEAGHG Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, expanding research on storage, wellbore integrity,…

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