PTRC's Matt Nasehi was appointed by the ISO Technical Management Board to become the Chair of ISO Committee 265, setting the standards for carbon idoxide capture, trnasporation and geological storage (CCS). Matt has been a member of this board for the past 12 years.


"My involvement in the development of CCS standards dates back to 2009 when the journey began in Saskatchewan. That early work culminated in the announcement of the world's first set of CCS standards (CSA Z741) in Regina in 2012."


Subsequently, the ISO technical committee (ISO/TC265), comprising 44 member countries and 10 liaison organizations, has been dedicated over the past 12 years to the tireless development of international standards for CCS. The committee's efforts have resulted in 13 published ISO standards and 7 others under development, significantly contributing to the progress, commercialization, and global acceptance of CCS as an effective technology in addressing global CO2 emissions.


"Being involved in this endeavour for the past 12 years has truly been a privilege, and assuming the role of Chair for this committee of experts is indeed an honour that I approach with great humility"