The Petroleum Technology Research Centre congratulates SaskPower on achieving the milestone of 3 million tonnes of CO2 captured from its Boundary Dam Unit 3 Carbon Capture Facility.
As managers of the Aquistore CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project, the PTRC is proud to have taken upwards of 12% of that captured CO2 *(over 280,0000 tonnes) and permanently sequestered it 3.4 kilometres underground in a brine and sandstone formation. This is the same as taking over 70,000 cars off the road for a year.
The Aquistore research program has drawn scientists and sponsors from around the world, interested in learning about safe geological storage of captured CO2.
The majority of the 3 million tonnes has been purchased and utilized for enhanced oil recovery at the Weyburn oil field, a process that both reduces the environmental footprint of the produced oil and provides royalties for Saskatchewan government programs.
More information about the science undertaken at Aquistore can be found at the PTRC site.
*Last updated March 4th, 2020